The link between high intake of fruit and vegetables and a reduced risk of ischemic heart disease has been given more scientific weight by the latest results from the large-scale European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Heart study.

In the study published, people who ate at least eight portions of fruit and vegetables a day had a 22% lower risk of dying from heart disease than those who consumed fewer than three portions a day.

They explain that previous observational studies have suggested that a high fruit and vegetable intake reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, but the presence of considerable between-study heterogeneity has led to uncertainty in the interpretation of this association.

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The drug dabigatran is now recommended by some doctors over warfarin in treatment of atrial fibrillation. New guidelines also suggest surgery.

According to new guidelines released in the ‘Canadian Journal of Cardiology’ on Feb. 18 2011, warfarin is out and a drug called dabigatran is in when it comes to treating the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. AF is the most common type of irregular heartbeat and 3 million people worldwide are estimated to have an atrial fibrillation-related stroke each year.

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Lap band surgery availability widened

Posted by: admin on: August 12, 2011

CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton, who conducted a year of obesity surgery research in her career, said on “The Early Show” she’s not surprised by the new guidelines.

She explained, “(The guidelines) have to do with the criteria under which patients are eligible for obesity surgery. In the past, if patients needed to be obese with a BMI or body mass index of 35 to 40. Now, they’ve lessened that number so they’re including patients with a body mass index of 30 to 40, with one other obesity-related illness like diabetes or high blood pressure, thereby including an additional 26 million people under the potential surgical candidates’ category.”

But Ashton advised any time you consider surgery, there are risks and benefits.

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Clinicians do not lack for alternative therapies if patients with type 2 diabetes ask to be switched from rosiglitazone (Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline) to another glucose-lowering medication, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and 2 other expert groups. The drug is again under increased scrutiny over cardiovascular risks.

Dr. Bergenstal, who also is executive director of the International Diabetes Center at Park Nicollet Health Services in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, said published clinical algorithms can guide physicians in selecting the right drug or combination of drugs. Such algorithms, he said, take into account factors such as efficacy, the risk for hypoglycemia, weight gain, and other adverse effects, as well as cost.

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Optimum Pyresis

Posted by: admin on: August 11, 2011

Treat kids’ discomfort, not fevers

Don’t immediately reach for the medicine cabinet when your little one’s forehead feels warm, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that says fevers alone are not a cause for intervention.

“The focus should be on comfort and not on absolute temperature,” Dr. Janice Sullivan, the lead author of the report, told Reuters Health.
That’s because fever can be help fight illness, by slowing down the reproduction of bacteria and viruses or stimulating the body’s immune response.

The guidelines on treating fever with over-the-counter medications, published in the latest issue of the journal Pediatrics, are the first the AAP has released.

Sullivan, a professor at the University of Louisville and head of the AAP’s section on clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, said parents should recognize that fever is a sign that a child is ill, and they should take note of other symptoms – such as lethargy, pain or dehydration – to see if a call to the doctor is warranted.

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