Posts Tagged ‘Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer screening by Pap Smears

Posted by: admin on: May 9, 2012

Pap Smear tests every 3 years could help early detection of cancer cervix thereby decreasing morbidity and mortality. Read on to know more. Team@CMHF

New Guidelines Discourage Yearly Pap Tests

Posted by: admin on: April 5, 2012

While Pap smears remain an essential part of cervical cancer prevention, new guidelines discourage the once-a-year screenings that have been a part of women’s health for years. -Team@CMHF  

A government task force recommends less frequent screening for cervical cancer and reverses its initial advice on HPV testing, allowing it for some women. -Team@CMHF  

Guidelines for routine tests

Posted by: admin on: March 28, 2012

Unnessary screening tests draining  the National Health Care Scheme could be avoided as per the new guidelines.Primary care givers need to know this. Team@CMHF

Cervical cancer rate declines in West Bengal:

Posted by: admin on: January 25, 2012

A study on  rate of occurrence of cervical cancer in Kolkata has showed that there has  been a definite  decrease in its rate – very gratifying for the centre of biotechnology which has been funding this study. Team@CMHF

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