Estrogen Still Best for Hot Flushes

Posted by: admin on: April 26, 2012

In Women with menopausal hot flushes no alternative treatment works best other than estrogen replacement therapy vouch a few studies.


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A Systematic approach to Dyspnea Management

Posted by: admin on: April 25, 2012

Dyspnea is a common complaint doctors encounter with their patients and a  step by step approach could change the management.


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Like in the lines of US who have strictly curbed the doctor-drug maker nexus, India needs to bring in stringent laws to break such ties in India.


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Aspirin for DVT Prevention in Travelers is not the answer

Posted by: admin on: April 25, 2012

The updated guidelines recommends use of lower molecular heparin to asprin in travelers at risk of DVT. Read up to know more.


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Guidelines for Pediatric Pneumonia

Posted by: admin on: April 24, 2012

If prevention of pneumonia with flu shots fail, the first choice in treating babies and preschool kids is the age old drug Ampicillin says a recent study.


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