Posts Tagged ‘CABG

CABG remains the main stay treatment for triple vessel disease. Not only it helps revascularisation but also prevents MI, thus increasing lifespan.                                            Team@CMHF

Guidelines of CABG were first issued in 1991 and last revision was in 2004. 2011 witnessed yet another update to the existing guidelines, what with rapidly changing surgical scenario. Team@CMHF

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Patel helps develop new CV surgical guidelines

Posted by: admin on: January 12, 2012

The DCRI’s Manesh Patel, MD, contributed to a new set of guidelines for physicians who perform cardiovascular surgery. -Team@CMHF


CABG rates lower with Angioplasty steady, in United States

Posted by: admin on: December 27, 2011

Interestingly, number of CABG performed has decreased compared to Angioplasties over past few years. The drop in CABG surgery rates was observed across sex, age, racial and regional subgroups.  The reason for this is not one particular factor. Team@CMHF

Safe to Double-Up Stenting Carotid, Coronary Arteries

Posted by: admin on: December 16, 2011

Peripheral artery disease with the affection of coronary arteries and carotid arteries invariably end up in surgical treatment. But there is an alternate procedure for those in high risks. Read on to know more. Team@CMHF

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