Posts Tagged ‘CVD

Longevity and Antihypertensive Therapy: A study

Posted by: admin on: January 25, 2012

Never before has antihypertensive trial’s confirmed results showcased as in here. A clear study proves that antihypertensive drugs diligently taken adds years to our lives. Team@CMHF

Yet another Guideline for Dyslipidaemias

Posted by: admin on: December 28, 2011

Dyslipidaemias are the major risk factor of cardiovascular disease. Its management is very important to reduce the risk. The new guidelines stress that lipid-modifying treatment should be tailored according to the need. What is suitable for a 40-year old man without a family history of CVD is not appropriate for an elderly patient with a […]

Guidelines issued for management of dyslipidemias

Posted by: admin on: December 23, 2011

Though lifestyle management remains the first line of treatment for management of dyslipidemia, new guideline states that if the goal is not achieved with lifestyle alone than pharmacological agent should be considered.  A successful management will reduce the dreaded risk of CVD. Team@CMHF

At least 3-yearly BP checks advised in primary care

Posted by: admin on: November 25, 2011

Hypertension is silent condition. Many patients are picked up on screening. Hence it is advisable to go for regular BP check up after the age of 40 0r earlier if the other risk factors are present. Team@CMHF

Educating patients make a great difference in management of the disease. Hypertension is one such condition. The patients can be saved from dreadful outcome of the disease if they are educated in the management of the disease. Team@CMHF

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