Western cures not suitable for Indian body type

Posted by: admin on: July 4, 2011


  • Indians should develop their own medical guidelines to tackle ailments like diabetes and heart disease, as the protocols currently used in India to treat them are more suited to westerners, says a latest International Journal of Obesity study.
  • Experts say Indians face a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease due to dietary habits and lifestyle than Americans and Europeans, yet much of treatment protocols for these diseases are borrowed from the West.
  • The study says prevention and management strategies for such disorders should be more aggressive and tailored for Indians because of the differences between two ethnic groups — Indians and Caucasians. Read the rest of this entry »


Providing further support for the recommendation to eat plenty of dietary fiber, a new large prospective cohort study shows that fiber intake is associated with a significantly reduced risk of total death, including cardiovascular mortality and deaths from infectious and respiratory diseases.
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17-Day Diet the new weight loss rage

Posted by: admin on: July 1, 2011


There’s a new diet rage that has cropped up just in time for us to slim down in preparation for bathing suit season.


  • The 17-Day Diet is the idea of Michael Moreno, a hunky family medicine doctor in California.
  • It’s gotten the attention of Dr. Phil and the talk show The Doctors, which have featured segments about the diet on its shows.
  • The diet restricts Carbs and then reintroduces good carbs into the diet.
  • Moreno’s diet has three cycles that last 17 days. The cycles, he says, prevent boredom and triggers calorie confusion which helps burn calories and fat faster.
    • Cycle 1 is the most restrictive, allowing for 1,200 calories a day and eliminating bad carbs.
    • Cycle 2 allows for 200 more calories and adds two-servings of healthy carbs
    • Cycle 3 once again allows for more calories including small snacks and 1 serving of alcohol
    • Cycle 4 is when you hit your goal weight and are working to maintain it. It allows for some splurging on weekends.
  • The diet also calls for exercise – 17 minutes a day in cycle 1, ramping up with each cycle.

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Five Minutes a day may keep Dialysis away

Posted by: admin on: July 1, 2011

Diagnosing chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be confusing, but its importance cannot be underscored enough.
In a series of videos less than 5 minutes long, Lynda Szczech, MD, provides key practical how-to’s on screening your patients for CKD and why to do it.

After watching these videos, you will feel like you have completed the first 6 months of a renal fellowship and your patients will benefit from this knowledge.
In October 2010, Dr. Szczech became the first female president of the National Kidney Foundation.

Dr Szczech’s clinical and research interests include the evaluation and management of acute and chronic renal insufficiency, anemia and cardiovascular complications in kidney disease, and consultative and general nephrology


New insights into anemia management in people with chronic kidney disease.
Abstract of the interview of Dr Ajay Singh, Nephrologist by Dr George Bakris, MD

  • Trial to Reduce Cardiovascular Events with Aranesp Therapy (TREAT) study was a large randomized controlled study in patients having diabetes with chronic kidney disease and anemia.
  • Patients were randomized to either an active treatment arm with darbepoetin or to a placebo rescue arm, in which patients were on placebo but were rescued if their hemoglobin fell below 9 g/dL
  • It was found that there was a null effect for a reduction in cardiovascular or renal risk in these patients, but there was a heightened risk for stroke in patients treated with darbepoetin. Read the rest of this entry »
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