Back Surgery: Too Many, Too Costly, Too ineffective

Posted by: admin on: August 29, 2011

In India, Chiropractic not being a well recognised therapy we can and should give a serious trial of Physiotherapy (guided & not just exercises) before we even think of and recommend surgery.


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Because of the quick development and widespread use of mobile phones, and their vast effect on communication and interactions, it is important to study possible negative health effects of mobile phone exposure.

The overall aim of this study was to investigate whether there are associations between psychosocial aspects of mobile phone use and mental health symptoms in a prospective cohort of young adults.

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Important Oral Health Guidelines for Pregnant Women

Posted by: admin on: August 26, 2011

Pregnant women can improve their oral health if they look for information concerning oral health, regularly brush and floss to get rid of bacterial plaque, include fluoride toothpaste and fluoride rinse into your routine, consume a well-balanced diet, tooth decay should be treated, don’t share food or utensils with anyone, and xylitol gum should be chewed to decrease the rate of tooth decay.

Everyone should follow good oral health habits. Expectant mothers must also be extra careful with their oral hygiene. Pregnant women who do not have good oral hygiene may become prone to gum disease such as gingivitis. Pregnancy gingivitis raises the probability of preterm birth.

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Cosmetic Surgery Patients: Tips and Recommendations

Posted by: admin on: August 26, 2011

Like any other surgeries, cosmetic surgery should never be taken lightly. It is a decision that should be thought before doing. Cosmetic surgery is considered to be a surgical procedure and therefore will carry so many risks. There are so many reasons why a person needs, desires or wants to undergo this kind of surgery.

Whatever your reasons may be, the Philippine Cosmetic Plastic Surgery strongly advises you to consult only with a certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon regarding your surgery.

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Evaluating dizziness in the cardiologist’s office

Posted by: admin on: August 25, 2011

I see a lot of patients who are sent to me for evaluation of dizziness.  On the surface you wouldn’t think a cardiologist would have much to do with a symptom that relates more to the head than the heart, but there is some logic to it—poor blood flow to the brain could lead to dizziness and, since blood flow starts in the heart, that could be the place to look.

While it is true that diminished (or occasional absence of) blood flow from the heart can render a person devoid of the faculties that allow for stable upright posture, true dizziness is rarely the result of impairment of the cardiovascular system.

In order to fully explain the possible sources of dizziness we first need to tease out what is meant by the term itself.

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