Men are more likely to have “No Main Source of Stress”

Posted by: admin on: April 2, 2012

Men are far less likely to have a “main source of stress” in their lives, according to a study released by Polaris Marketing Research, while women  reported having several stressors in their lives.


  • The study showed that women found financial issues, lack of time, familial concerns and relationship problems all to be significant sources of daily stress.
  • Meanwhile, the men in the study were more likely to shrug their shoulders, throw back another ice cold brew and report that they’re doing just awesome, thanks.
  • Beyond this, women also reported having an array of “diverse” stress-coping activities at their disposal; to combat stress, women are more likely than men to “sleep, listen to music, surf the internet, socialize, read a book, or eat their favorite comfort foods,” according to the report.
  • We’re so proactive! Men, the study notes, have just one mechanism to deal with what little stress they contain in their infinitesimally bro-tacular lives: playing video games.
  • Of course, the report noted that there’s one “stress-relieving” activity that both men and women turn to in equal amounts: drinking.

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