Keep work stress out of your relationship

Posted by: admin on: November 4, 2011

Often stressful work seeps into your personal relationships making it difficult to balance between the two. We share some ways to ease out and keep the spark alive in your relationship…


  • Everyday hassles and emotional issues cause stress in relationships.
  • Often couples go through periods of change.
  • Stress at work is deemed to be one of the major reasons for this turmoil.
  • Pooja Desai, 25, Investment banker, says, “My job is so stressful that by the time I reach home, I am left with no energy to spend quality time with my partner and this often leads to serious fights.”
  • We all have stress in our lives, be it job related, marital, financial or otherwise which often causes uncomfortable mental and physical reactions to events in life.
  • Communication is very important as Devang Shah, Media professional, says, “Work keeps me occupied most of the time. This has hampered my relationship greatly. There is hardly any time to go out with my partner and it is very difficult to explain always.”
  • Since you cannot avoid the stress at work, recognising and managing stress is crucial. Find a way to converse about what causes stress with your partner and this will help you a great deal. Not only will this make your relationship stronger but at the end of the day, you will feel relieved and satisfied.

What’s bothering you?

  • Find out what’s bothering you.
  • Stress is often tricky and we all have trouble figuring out what exactly bothers us.
  • Share your problems with your better half.
  • This will also help your partner to understand what you are worried about and can think of ways to keep from adding to your stress.

Effective communication

  • Communication is perhaps the only medium through which you can resolve issues that bother you.
  • Turning away from your partner during stressful events can only damage the relationship.
  • This also leads to feelings of rejection which is not healthy.
  • Remember silence leads to greater frustration and increased anger which can drive the two of you apart.


Balancing work-life

  • Most of the times, indulging in activities that you don’t have time for can be overwhelming.
  • This may cause problems in your relationship with your spouse or even your entire family.
  • Head out for a movie with your partner or a long drive over the weekend.
  • Don’t be a workaholic, for it only causes imbalance in your relation.
  • Prioritising work can often relieve you of excess stress and tension and you can lead a better life

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