Posts Tagged ‘Urinary incontinence

Botox Approved for Incontinence in Neurologic Conditions

Posted by: admin on: September 21, 2011

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced approval for the use of onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) to treat urinary incontinence resulting from detrusor over activity in patients with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis (MS) -Team@CMHF

Botox Okayed for Some Types of Overactive Bladder

Posted by: admin on: September 2, 2011

Botulium toxin shots are commonly used in the dermatology department for cosmetic reasons. A new use of this injection has been found in controlling overactive blad  der. Read on to know more. Team@CMHF

Stress incontinence post radical prostatectomy is a common sequel. Where conservatory methods & surgery are mostly done here is a study of duloxetine a drug which could be utilized to our benefit for the same. Team@CMHF

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