Posts Tagged ‘Overweight

Obesity can be stressful only relieved by Exercise

Posted by: admin on: April 23, 2012

Obesity has an added effect on stress due to social stigma experienced by the obese. Read on to know more. Team@CMHF

Overweight people eat less often: study

Posted by: admin on: March 5, 2012

How often we have heard the overweight persons tell us “we eat only 2 meals a day?” We see that compared to the normal weight adults they seem to eat much less! Is there an explanation for this? Read on to know more. Team@CMHF

Surgery is no quick fix for obese teens

Posted by: admin on: December 15, 2011

With a high standard of living, array of fast foods and sedentary lifestyle, obesity has become the biggest disease plaguing the teenagers. Bariatric surgery done is not the final answer. Here is a study. Team@CMHF

Overweight or obese women with less-than-optimal levels of vitamin D who lose more than 15% of their body weight experience significant increases in circulating levels of this fat-soluble nutrient, according to a study published online May 25 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

The Institute Of Medicine is widely recognized as setting guidelines for pregnancy. The last time they revised their estimates was in 1990. Figure out the Body mass index (BMI). It doesn’t directly measure the fat, but research has shown BMI correlates with accurate measurements of body fat. a.If BMI is less than 18.5= Underweight b.BMI […]

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