Posted by: admin on: May 4, 2012
Here is a report of a preliminary study done on effects of genetic influence on sertaline treatment for alzheimers. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: January 17, 2012
Canadians are still dismissing symptoms of dementia as “just old age” based on survey results released by the Alzheimer Society. Close to 50 % of Canadians lived a year or more with their symptoms before seeing a family doctor. Of these, 16 % waited more than 2 years. The delay in diagnosis results in a […]
Posted by: admin on: December 2, 2011
With average life span of humans showing a global upward tilt, it is common these days to encounter Alzheimer’s Disease. If diagnosis could be early couldn’t it make a difference both to the care taker and those affected? Team@CMHF