Posted by: admin on: February 7, 2012
With people getting health conscious exercise is catching up. How much of exercise is a big question. Here is a guideline for diabetics and those at risk. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: January 9, 2012
People with arthritis are significantly more likely to be physically inactive than those without the disease despite the proven benefits of physical activity for arthritis management, cites new CDC data released. -Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: October 12, 2011
Meeting the recommendations set out in the federal 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans is associated with reduced all-cause mortality in U.S. adults, Using data from the 1997 to 2004 National Health Interview Survey, and linked mortality records, the relative mortality risks were examined for 242,397 U.S. adults aged 18 years and older. Risks were […]