Posted by: admin on: January 2, 2012
Quebec doctors think they are far behind, imagine in India, less than 20% doctors have adopted computers. When will Indian doctors realise this and get tech savvy to become customer centric and save their own time? Team@CM
Posted by: admin on: January 2, 2012
Primary medical care is the pillar of national health care. Family medicine is a speciality by itself which can provide quality care at reduced cost Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: December 29, 2011
With rising health-care costs, time has come to improve our approach. Health reach outs by means of phone calls or messages have proven to be effective in disease management, reducing the total cost of the treatment. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: December 27, 2011
In medical practice communication skill plays a very vital role. With increasing cases needing recommendation regarding life style diseases, communication with patients is the tool to emphasize the risk factors and their prevention. U.S. medical schools have recognized the importance of doctor-patient communication and many now train medical students how to discuss medical risks and […]
Posted by: admin on: December 26, 2011
Non availability of an Antiviral protective mask was severely felt with the outbreak of H1N1 virus. At last FDA approves BioMask made by a Hong Kong–based company found to be effective against most influenza viruses. It is said to be effective against H1N1 virus also. Team@CMHF