Archive for the ‘Family Practice’ Category

If possible reductions in medication use and cost can motivate patients to make lifestyle changes, the long-term goals of better health and quality of life can be achieved Action for Health and Diabetes investigators recently reported beneficial effects of 1 year of intensive lifestyle intervention on weight loss, glycemic control, and cardiovascular risk factors. This […]

Many adults being treated for depression in primary care may have undiagnosed bipolar disorder (BD), suggests a new study It’s likely, say the researchers, that many of these patients are receiving antidepressant monotherapy. For people who in fact have undiagnosed bipolar disorder, these drugs may be at best unhelpful and at worst harmful. BD can […]

Switzerland Faces a lack of new GPs

Posted by: admin on: June 23, 2011

Fewer and fewer young doctors in Switzerland are choosing to become general practitioners. If this continues, the decline in the number of GPs could have a serious effect on health care, they warn.

Overweight or obese women with less-than-optimal levels of vitamin D who lose more than 15% of their body weight experience significant increases in circulating levels of this fat-soluble nutrient, according to a study published online May 25 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Fever sometimes best left untreated

Posted by: admin on: June 18, 2011

How often we treat our patients with antipyretics? If we had a little patience to explain to our patients, the benefit of fever it would be far more worthy than just prescribing one to curb it. Fever is a protective symptom which should not be ignored but not be a cause for panic and treatment. […]

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