Archive for the ‘Family Practice’ Category

Are medical students and new doctors overly reliant on tests and technology to make diagnoses? Radiology tests have become a crutch: Doctors in training are no longer taught how to distinguish patients who need testing from those who don’t. A decade ago, a surgeon would spend time interviewing and carefully examining a patient to help […]

Medical Practice: Physician-Patient Relationship

Posted by: admin on: July 18, 2011

Medical practice requires scientific knowledge, technical skill and human understanding Many years of study, a long interval of training and a lifetime of dedicated service are required in order to become a good physician. It is therefore essential that a premedical student have an overview of the nature of the medical profession. This can be […]

Hong Kong (HKSAR) – A Department of Health started a campaign to bring home to the public the message of partnership with family doctors and other primary care providers for better health. Primary Care Campaign comprises a series of health promotion and publicity activities to enhance public knowledge and understanding of the importance of primary […]

The Optimal Timing of Smoking Cessation Before Surgery

Posted by: admin on: July 15, 2011

There is strong evidence that smoking cessation is beneficial to long-term health. All patients are forced to become nonsmokers, if only for a short period, around the time of surgery. The perioperative period presents a unique opportunity to try and get patients to permanently stop smoking Globally, over 230 million adults undergo major surgery annually, […]

Choosing Your Specialty or Subspecialty

Posted by: admin on: July 13, 2011

In the ideal world, your specialty picks you. If you are paying attention, you will be pulled towards the specialty that fits you best. If the pull towards a particular specialty is very strong, you really shouldn’t ignore it.  Some of the most miserable doctors picked their specialty based on income, “lifestyle” or other “practical” issues…and then […]

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