Archive for the ‘Family Practice’ Category

Empathy and the physician- patient relationship

Posted by: admin on: August 2, 2011

Is anyone else tired of hearing about how important empathy is in the physician-patient relationship?  Every other day it seems a new study is talking about the therapeutic value of empathy.  Data links physician empathy with improved patient outcomes, increased satisfaction, and better patient experiences. A recent study released in Academic Medicine reported that “patients […]

  The concept of establishing “medical homes” emerged in the health-care reform debate as a way to improve health-care quality and efficiency and cut costs. The patient-centered medical home tends to the health of the whole person, involving a team that’s responsible for the patient’s care. That includes coordinated, integrated care among primary care, specialists […]

The insurance intermediaries, who never actually see a patient or deliver any care, haven’t got a clue how this whole health thing works. They are happy with mediocre doctors that cut time and care. Those doctors (and physical therapists) run mills, but the insurance companies are happy with them. Quality and quantity of time are […]

Take a good history, do a good exam. Rather than doing a careful history and physical, many physicians resort to order expensive tests based on a complaint rather than a full history. Physicians almost unanimously believe that other physicians do this and some will admit that they are guilty also. Our predecessors were able to […]

Good primary care physicians are becoming harder and harder to find. A year from now we’ll find it almost impossible to find primary care doctors who are willing to take on new patients – at least any primary care doctor worth seeing won’t be doing so. Smart patients and their advocates know that today is […]

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