Posted by: admin on: March 21, 2012
A new guideline from the American College of Physicians recommends that metformin – a tried and true diabetes medication – should be the first drug of choice for type 2 diabetes when changes to diet and lifestyle fail. -Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: March 12, 2012
Here is a finding which alerts the doctors dealing with female diabetics, to maintain strict sugar levels and take great care in their management. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: March 6, 2012
Catching the pre-diabetics or those with impaired glucose tolerance, early enough and giving them a regimen of diet, exercise and anti diabetic drugs, will increase their insulin sensitivity, preserve their β cells of the pancreas and delay onset of type 2 diabetes. Here is a study. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: March 2, 2012
World Diabetes Day is observed on November 14, and calls upon those managing diabetes to understand the condition, know the risks, and take control. With India heading to be the world no 1 in Diabetes prevalence we as doctors need to know how to manage as well as educate our diabetic patients. Here is an […]
Posted by: admin on: February 29, 2012
Here is a study suggesting that controlling high LDL and TG with statin monotherapy or combination therapy should be a must in treating a diabetic, along with usage of pioglyitazone in resistant cases. Team@CMHF