Women mainstay of diabetes care: NGO

Posted by: drchasrani on: June 15, 2012

Management of Type-2 diabetes is three folds. A healthy diet, exercise, and regular monitoring of the disease. Women play important role in implementing all three.                                           Team@CMHF

Women are indispensable when it comes to management of lifestyle diseases like Type 2 diabetes in India. This is the conclusion of a study by The Heal Foundation, a Mumbai-based non-profit organisation.

“People die of diabetic complications and not diabetes. Diabetes complications are caused by poor disease management. Therefore, the role of women in managing diabetes and even preventing it is huge.”

The aim of the Women 4 Diabetes initiative is to spread awareness and educate women about how they can help diabetics manage the disease better.

The biggest hindrance to successful diabetes management is lack of proper monitoring. It is women who drive their family members to get their blood sugar levels checked.

Nutritionists should modify existing diets giving consideration to historical, cultural and individual factors, so women without reluctance adopt healthy cooking habits.






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