Posted by: drchasrani on: June 16, 2012
A study showed that mothers who gained more than recommended didn’t have higher rates of gestational diabetes, high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia than women who put on less weight. The aim of the study was to show how important the relationship is between nutrition and pregnancy, especially in twin pregnancies. Therefore to gain weight is not bad but is good on the contrary. Team@CMHF
In a small new study, women pregnant with twins who gained more weight than current guidelines suggest were not at higher risk of serious pregnancy complications and they gave birth to bigger babies — a welcome result since twins are more likely than singletons to have low birth weights.
The more weight a mother gained, the more likely her babies were to be born weighing above five and a half pounds.
Twins tend to be born small because their mothers go into labour early, or the babies suffer foetal growth restriction in the crowded womb and don’t grow to their full potential.
“There were certain outcomes that were better in the women who gained what they called ‘excessive’ amounts of weight,” Author said. “For example, our patients who gained more weight had larger babies and lower incidence of low birth weight.”
There is more and more mounting evidence that in twin pregnancies, nutrition plays a key role in the outcome. And that focus on nutrition may help improve outcomes with twin pregnancies. We need to be a bit more cautious until more studies are done.
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