Support from spouse to relieve Work stress

Posted by: admin on: May 4, 2012

Here is where the institution of marriage can help deal with work stress.


Married couples who reported high levels of stress but strong spousal support cope better at work and have more satisfying marriages, U.S. researchers found.
Wayne Dishwater of the Florida State University College of Business and colleagues questioned more than 400 working couples, in both blue- and white-collar occupations.
Those who reported high levels of stress but strong spousal support, compared to stressed-out employees without such support, experienced the following positive benefits:
“Given that a lack of support from one’s spouse represents a major cause of both divorce and career derailment, this research is needed to address issues that affect both home and work,” Dishwater said in a statement. “When you’re still angry or upset from yesterday’s stress, your workday will likely go in only one direction — down.”


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