Prevention better than cure is the motto of PWS of Jeddah

Posted by: admin on: April 23, 2012

Rising medical care costs, recession coupled with increasing employee absenteeism due to stress screening medical tests towards prevention of disease is being emphasized.


The Pakistan Welfare Society (PWS) Jeddah organized its 6th annual function and health seminar on preventive medicine recently.
The event was attended by Pakistanis from every walk of life, including doctors, engineers and other professionals.

Dr. Mehboob Sadiqee highlighted the various aspects of preventive medicine, including personal hygiene, hazards of junk food, smoking, screenings for diseases at early stages and other medical guidelines.

The Pakistan ambassador, in his keynote address, appreciated PWS efforts for the betterment of poor people and their efforts in serving the community by organizing free medical camps for the last few years in Jeddah, conducting health and career-building seminars and other welfare projects.
He assured his constant support for PWS activities.

Basic health screening was done for all participants — checking blood pressure, blood sugar and body weight. Those whose findings bordered on the risky side were advised to visit their doctors as well as what diet regimen they should adopt.



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