Researchers find low rates of HbA1c testing among diabetics

Posted by: admin on: February 28, 2012

Diabetes patients need to keep their sugar well in control. This is possible only with glycosylated hemoglobin checks every half yearly. Here is an article.


Regular HbA1c testing is recommended for all individuals with diabetes. It is widely considered to be a central part of disease management. However, new research indicates that many people with the condition are ignoring these recommendations.

The American Diabetes Association says that individuals with diabetes should submit to HbA1c testing at least twice per year. This is intended to gauge the patient’s long-term blood sugar control.

However, after analyzing survey results from more than 1,514 young people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the researchers found that only 68 percent adhered to these recommendations. Rates were significantly higher for blood pressure and cholesterol testing.

While the high percentages of patients screened for cardiovascular complications is encouraging, the researchers said more needs to be done to ensure that diabetics regularly receive HbA1c testing.

Understanding long-term blood sugar control is central to determining whether or not a person with the condition needs to alter their diet or get more exercise. Without this reading, it is difficult for doctors to make accurate lifestyle recommendations.


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