Drinking Lowers the Risk of Dementia About One-Fourth

Posted by: admin on: February 24, 2012

Studies have proved that social drinkers in middle age had the benefit of longer life and less risk of dementia than non-drinkers.


Combining the results of all the studies they identified that focused on middle-aged (55 or older) non-alcoholic drinkers, Neafsey and Collins determined that “the average ratio of risk for cognitive risk (dementia or cognitive impairment/decline) associated with moderate ‘social’ (not alcoholic) drinking of alcohol is 0.77, with nondrinkers as the reference group.” This means that middle-aged social drinkers have about three-fourths the risk of developing dementia or cognitive deficits as abstainers.

Such results produce yelps of outrage, condemnation and scorn, on the following grounds:

  • This is the fomenting of a couple of radical nuts.
  • The researchers are bought and sold by the alcohol industry.
  • They only found moderate drinkers maintain their minds better because moderate drinkers are more prosperous and lead otherwise better lifestyles.
  • Alcohol is so dangerous nothing good should ever be said about it.

So, abstain if you will or must, but — if you do so for reasons other than alcoholism — you are harming your overall health in middle-age.

Ref: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stanton-peele/moderate-drinking-dementia-risk_b_931975.html

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