Posted by: admin on: December 22, 2011
Treating major depressive disorder with 2 medications is common practice. But recent study results showed that antidepressant monotherapy is better than combination therapy to treat major depressive disorder. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: December 21, 2011
Cholesterol is one of the major risk factor for coronary heart disease. Attempts have been made to find out an agent that can increase HDL- the good cholesterol and lower LDL. Stopping the AIM-HIGH trial of extended-release niacin aimed at elevating HDL created lot of stir in the medical world. The main point of debate […]
Posted by: admin on: December 21, 2011
Salmonella Infection is on the rise. (Though in India it is one of the most common infection) The reason is the global travelling and drug resistance. Drug overuse and abuse is responsible for the drug resistance. A decade ago, Ciprofloxacin was used left, right and centre. And now it has developed resistance. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: December 21, 2011
Obesity has become world wide problem and now considered a disease. Obesity is a global problem and few countries have found really effective solutions. If the obesity is identified in childhood and treated by the family physician than many future complications can be avoided. GPs are not trained to treat obesity, which is the need […]
Posted by: admin on: December 20, 2011
In India, Vit D deficiency is seen very often. Its deficiency not only cause osteoporosis but can cause many other health hazards. Recent study has shown that Vit.D deficiency is associated with atherosclerosis. Team@CMHF