A little bit of exercise makes a big difference

Posted by: admin on: December 13, 2011

Busy schedule through the day keeps most of us away from exercising on a routine basis. ACSM has brought out a new book with guidelines for adults. Here are the salient points of this book .If you haven’t been exercising read on and get motivated.


It’s very clear that a little bit of exercise makes a big difference,” says Carol Ewing Garber, author of the American College of Sports Medicine’s new guidelines on quantity and quality of exercise for adults. “The recommendation to get 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise is still one of the goals, but the message needs to be heard that doing less is also helpful.”

The guidelines and
ACSM’s new book, Complete Guide to Fitness & Health, is written for everyone regardless of fitness levels:

Among the highlights:
•For the 60% of adults in the USA who are not regularly active, as little as 60 minutes of exercise a week provides some health benefits
•For the adults who put in their 150 minutes or more but are sedentary the rest of the time

What can be done to get people to be less sedentary? The key is finding something you like to do other than sitting or even while you’re sitting, and setting realistic goals.
For instance, if watching television or movies takes up your free time, then exercise while you’re doing that.

And even if you have a jam-packed day, take heart. Three 10-minute segments of moderate-intensity exercise throughout the day is acceptable.

“If we do 30 minutes in a week, that’s better than zero,” Bushman says. “I’d love it if 100% of Americans achieved 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week, even better if they got 300 minutes, but not everyone is motivated. We can take steps in those directions, though.

Ref :  http://yourlife.usatoday.com/fitness-food/exercise/story/2011/07/Even-a-little-bit-of-exercise-makes-a-big-difference/49109780/1

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