Low-Level, Chronic Hematuria in Young Signals Later ESRD

Posted by: admin on: September 5, 2011

Traces of blood in the routine urine check of the teens (males) in Israel has been found to have correlation to end stage renal Disease. Read on to know more.


Persistent, trace amounts of blood in the urine in teens and young adults may serve as a marker for future end-stage renal disease (ESRD), according to a large-scale, retrospective study
Out of nearly 4,000 cases of diagnosed persistent asymptomatic isolated microscopic hematuria, there were 26 cases of treated ESRD, yielding an incidence rate of 34 per 100,000 person-years

That compared with a rate of 2.05 ESRD cases per 100,000 person-years among those without hematuria,
Vivante’s group looked at national data from 1.2 million people, ages 16 through 25, who were examined for military service between 1975 and 1997. This data was linked to the Israeli treated ESRD database

Proteinuria was defined as a dipstick level of 1+ or higher that was recorded during the initial urinalysis and then confirmed with two other dipstick tests. The follow-up period was almost 22 years.

Treated ESRD was defined as initiation of dialysis or renal transplantation, whichever occurred first.

The researchers concluded that persistent isolated microscopic hematuria in this patient population may be a strong predictive risk marker of future ESRD that can be linked most notably to glomerular disease as the main etiology.

Although the study was not designed to test the effectiveness of mass screening, the results do warrant the question: Should urine dipstick testing be implemented as a simple, low-cost screening tool for asymptomatic adolescents and all adults?

Ref: http://www.medpagetoday.com/Pediatrics/PreventiveCare/28067?utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DailyHeadlines&utm_source=WC&userid=333280

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