Cancer patients in denial over poor lifestyle choices

Posted by: admin on: September 2, 2011

Cancer cannot be attributed to only stress and genetics. Life style matters a lot. This article lets us now how we blame things not in our hands, when we can well control our life style and reduce the chances of acquiring cancer.


CANCER patients are in collective denial, attributing to stress, genetics or other factors beyond their control diseases more likely to be triggered by lifestyle choices such as obesity or smoking, the first Australian study into the question has found

Smoking was mentioned less than half as often as stress among possible causes, even though there is little evidence linking psychological stress with cancer

”Everyone has stress in their life,” he said. ”It’s what happens after stress that’s the important thing. If you get divorced, you might not eat as well afterwards, start having a bit more to drink.”

Smoking was mentioned by only 6 per cent of people, and poor diet by 5 per cent, while lack of exercise was nominated by fewer than 2 per cent of the respondents – in contrast with Australian Institute of Health and Welfare analysis which suggests lifestyle factors account for 33 per cent of cancer cases

Overall, lung cancer patients were more likely to express a belief that their cancer had at least one specific cause, with about three-quarters detailing possible factors versus about half of people with other forms of cancer.

Associate Professor Sitas, whose study is published in the journal Cancer Causes & Control, said this might be because, ”the message out there [about tobacco] is so pervasive,” that lung cancer patients were obliged to accept the link.

Among the 59 per cent of breast cancer patients who attributed their disease to any cause, a quarter nominated stress while another quarter mentioned genetics, reproductive history, age, or other factors they could not change. Fewer than 20 per cent suggested diet, exercise, alcohol or other lifestyle choices might have influenced their cancer.


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