Obesity should not require specialists to manage

Posted by: admin on: August 17, 2011

No matter what our current practice or specialty, at some point during medical school we will have had to study and demonstrate our knowledge and competency in dealing with common disorders like diabetes, hypertension, depression, chronic pain and countless other ailments.

In addition, we will have spent hours poring over much rarer disorders, conditions that many of us may never see in a lifetime of practice.

In our first years of practice we will quickly learn that bringing up the topic of excess weight will either meet immediate resistance or simply open up a can of worms that will take up more of our time to deal with than we intended.

We will also note that our well-meant advise to simply eat less and move more will be often met with skepticism or outright hostility and we will soon enough experience that despite our efforts, the majority of patients will either not lose weight or simply lose a few pounds only to regain them in due course.

Read more: http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2010/07/obesity-require-specialists-manage.html

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