Archive for July 2011

There are several things that parents will notice the first week of life. Most of these concerns are related to physical appearance. Fortunately, these are all normal and anxiety is not warranted. Flea-bite rash. Infants will often have a rash that looks like several flea bites at various places on the body. This is called […]

Do Not Resuscitate and the need for a central line.

Posted by: admin on: July 27, 2011

Just the other day I was called to see a patient coming up to the Intensive Care Unit with a diagnosis of pneumonia. Upon my arrival the patient is “hanging in there” with the blood pressure in the 60’ and 70’s systolic. The patient is in sepsis and septic shock. Early intravenous antibiotics and aggressive […]

Guidelines say skip x-rays for lower back pain Imaging scans to diagnose lower back pain are unnecessary in most cases and may do more harm than good, the American College of Physicians stated in new practice guidelines. Routinely ordering X-rays and CT or MRI scans drives up health care costs and does not help resolve […]

A-B-C is for babies; now it’s C-A-B!

Posted by: admin on: July 27, 2011

It used to be following your ABC’s: airway, breathing and chest compressions. Now, Compressions come first, only then do you focus on Airway and Breathing. The only exception to the rule will be newborn babies, but everyone else whether it’s infant CPR, child CPR or adult CPR will get chest compressions before you worry about […]

In-Hospital Blood Sugar Levels Should Be Higher

Posted by: admin on: July 26, 2011

The American College of Physicians has released new guidelines recommending that doctors not attempt intensive insulin therapy designed to achieve normal blood sugar levels in patients in medical or surgical intensive care units. Doctors should maintain blood sugar levels between 140 and 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) for anyone in medical or surgical intensive care. […]

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