Posted by: admin on: June 13, 2011
With mean survival age on its rise, Quality of life is of importance than the quantity of life .Remaining mentally active at 65yrs depicts our life 6 years later. Here is a reason to keep your grey cells always active!
Background: Preservation of cognitive abilities is required to have a good quality of life. The predictive value of cognitive functioning at 65 years old on successful ageing 6 years later is not established.
Methods: Nine hundred and seventy-six questionnaires were sent by mail to a sample of healthy and voluntary French pensioners. Successful ageing was defined through health status and well-being. Cognitive abilities had been assessed 6 years earlier according to an objective method (Free and Cued Selective Recall Reminding Test (FCSRT), the Benton visual retention test and the similarities subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised) and a subjective one (Goldberg’s anxiety scale, Mac Nair’s scale and a Visual Analogue Scale to evaluate memory abilities change in the last 5 years).
Results: Six hundred and eighty-six questionnaires could be analysed. The mean age was 72.9 ± 1.2 years old. Well-being was negatively correlated with the FCSRT but positively related with the Benton and the similarities tests . There is a negative correlation between anxious and cognitive complaints measured at baseline, and successful ageing indicators 6 years later.
Conclusion: Preservation of cognitive abilities at the age of retirement can predict a successful ageing 6 years later.
For: Allopaths, AYUSH
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