Boosting parent confidence may improve childhood atopic dermatitis outcomes

Posted by: admin on: June 12, 2011

Family stress, parent pressure, depression, peer pressure are all seemingly influencing & precipitating atopic dermatitis in children. So medical treatment, along with dealing with the core issues is a must. What is a parent’s role in its treatment, what are the other influencing factors? Just have a look,


Managing a child with atopic dermatitis can be difficult and frustrating, but few studies have examined the effects of family stress, depression and relationship satisfaction on disease management.

Australian researchers conducted a study among a sample of 64 parent-child pairs from a pediatric dermatology clinic to assess the severity of childhood atopic dermatitis and determine the effect of these dynamics on self-reported performance of key management tasks.

This study identified a number of potentially modifiable factors that can be targeted to enhance parents’ self-efficacy and improve parent management of child.

Variables that included atopic dermatitis severity, child behavior difficulties, parent depression and stress, conflict over parenting issues and parents’ relationship satisfactions were all correlated with parents’ perceived success at performing atopic dermatitis management tasks

Child behavior and parents’ formal education level were identified as factors that influenced parents’ confidence in their ability to effectively manage their child’s disorder.

Atopic dermatitis severity, relationship satisfaction, child behavior and formal education played significant roles in self-reported performance of atopic dermatitis management.
“Interventions should focus on child behavior and parenting issues to support parents caring for children with [atopic dermatitis] and improve child outcomes,” the researchers concluded.


For: Allopaths

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