Posted by: admin on: May 6, 2011
If asked to make a guess, some of the most commonly sold (not prescribed) drugs in India would be Ranitidine, Omeprazole, Ibu Para combination and Alprazolam. With self-medication more of a norm, it is not possible to study prescription patterns in India. Let us see what is the trend in the west. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: May 5, 2011
For once, Indian Government has acted fast and has banned Sibutramine due to serious cardiovascular risks in users. We need a strict watchdog to take similar action on drugs that cause more side effects than actual effects. Team@CMHF
Posted by: admin on: May 5, 2011
Today knowing well enough that smoking is the single most important risk factor for IHD & Lung Cancer, many doctors continue to smoke under several justifications – stress, concentration etc etc. The very first step for quitting is to shun ambivalence about quitting and making a firm resolve to quit at any cost. No sacrifice […]
Posted by: admin on: May 5, 2011
It is time that we in India start talking of fraud in healthcare, more openly and stop pushing it under the carpet. What we don’t realize is FRAUD is single most significant factor in Health Insurance not getting its deserved place in a consumer’s mind. Across the globe, no one is spared! With a wave […]
Posted by: admin on: May 5, 2011
Doctors today lament that patients don’t respect them anymore! Or at least not as much! Instances abound where patients have beaten up doctors and burnt hospitals. Have we ever thought “Why?”. In a country where doctors were akin to God, why such did-respect? As always, no studies in India, let us see what our western […]