Posted by: admin on: June 28, 2011
Food and Drug Administration approved a lower recommended body mass index (BMI) threshold for Lap-Band weight loss surgery, to a BMI of 30 for patients with at least one obesity-related condition. Lap-Band is a procedure that helps patients lose weight by restricting the amount of food that can be consumed at each meal.
Posted by: admin on: May 20, 2011
Weight loss surgery has been set aside always for the morbidly obese. Now, with few changes by the FDA, new surgery avenues will open up for people who earlier did not qualify for lap band. Earlier this month, the FDA lowered the weight standards for surgery, making the lap band procedure more accessible to people.
Posted by: admin on: April 30, 2011
CBS News Medical Correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton, who conducted a year of obesity surgery research in her career, said on “The Early Show” she’s not surprised by the new guidelines. She explained, “(The guidelines) have to do with the criteria under which patients are eligible for obesity surgery. In the past, if patients needed to […]